Wednesday 12 December 2012

The Skinny on Personal Weight

When you step on the scale in the morning, you instinctively have an ideal number in mind. However, the number that needs to appear on the scale is not the one that you would like for yourself, it is the one that society has already chosen for you. In today’s modern society, everyone is much more involved in each other’s lives. An individual no longer bears the responsibility of deciding how much they should weigh in order to achieve a happy and healthy lifestyle; society has started providing that service free of charge.
There is no longer any reason to worry about appearing undernourished. If your figure is deemed too slim by the public, they will simply provide helpful comments and recommendations, such as “eat a hamburger,” to help you attain a socially acceptable body image.  Their suggestions are so insightful! Although some may present a jealous façade towards your slender body, it is simply reverse psychology, and they are trying to tell you in a gentler way that you do not look like everyone else; you need to change. Why would one want to stand out in society? We need to work hard to attain a body similar to everyone else. But don’t work too hard, you wouldn’t want to have a fit image or lose too much weight.
Overweight individuals struggle in modern society if they don’t listen to the helpful hints of others. Not only do programs from established companies such as Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig teach one how to manage and reduce their weight, they are so committed that they actually tell their program participants when to stop. It is so considerate of them, because a company would not want to be known for making people skinny. That kind of reputation could destroy a business. Companies such as these have found the perfect balance for making their clients a socially acceptable weight.
The fact is: society cannot handle an excess of slim and heavy individuals. We must all be the ideal weight. Once you attain that weight, tread carefully. If you dare gain a pound or two, then you have just been labelled “fat” and your weight loss regiment should begin immediately. If you dare exercise and lose a pound or two, then you are too skinny and need to order a Big Mac, ASAP. If you dare think about skipping a meal because you are simply not hungry, then you are a newly diagnosed anorexic. It is a tedious task to attain your socially acceptable personal weight, but don’t worry, society is here to help.

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