Thursday 6 September 2012

One Might Think Her Name is Dana...

          One might think her name is Dana, but no one is quite sure. There are only three things one needs to know about her: she is always tired, she is always hungry, and her hair is ridiculous. Sure, one might think that these are typical teenage qualities. However, these traits remain unknown to the rest of the world. Like a chameleon, she masks her flaws with the aid of naps, snacks, and a 400 degree curling iron. Ten hours of sleep may be enough rest for an average 17 year old girl, but not Dana. Only a minimum of twelve hours is enough to quench Dana's need for sleep. Otherwise, her eyes flutter during her last period English class and she can no longer resist the urge to yawn. Throughout her exhilarating class of English, not only are her eyes attempting to close against her will, but a Bear's growl occasionally escapes from her stomach. Hunger has set in. Without a morsel of food within her grasp, Dana quickly transforms. She becomes irritable, her fatigue worsens, and there is a chance of her fainting. As a preventative measure, her bag is always well equipped with food. Dana also prepares herself for a long day by fabricating her hair to look socially acceptable. It is a tedious task, but she never denies a challenge. With a full night's sleep behind her, perfectly polished hair, and a granola bar in her hand, Dana is ready to take on the world.

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