Wednesday 31 October 2012

An Innocent Answer

“So who is she?” Rebecca snapped. Simon peered up from his paper.
            He replied, “What on earth are you talking about, dear?” Simon sighed and returned to the business section of the New York Times.
            “You know exactly what I’m talking about,” she remarked. “Where have you been every night this week? You don’t return home until I’m fast asleep!”
            “I already told you, dear. I’ve been working late; I’m in the running for a big promotion.”
            “Sure,” Rebecca sneered, “that’s exactly what you’ve told me, but I’m not stupid Simon! I know exactly what is going on here!”
            Simon groaned, “And what exactly is going on?” His eyes still lingered on the results of the daily stock exchange.
            “Don’t play dumb, Simon! You’ve been leaving for work earlier each morning, and wearing cologne. When I call you at work, you are always conveniently in an ‘important meeting’. You arrive home late each night long after you know certainly well that I have already fallen asleep. The last time we ate dinner together was last Wednesday, dare I go on?”
            “You have nothing to worry about dear; I have just been working late,” Simon uttered in response.
            “What is her name?” Rebecca’s eyes began to brim with tears. “I know there’s another woman, and now you can’t even tear your eyes from that mundane newspaper to look me in the eye.”
            Finally Simon turned to face her, “You’re right. I have been acting peculiar lately.”
            “That’s it? That is all you have to say?” her face reddened in anger. Simon folded the newspaper neatly. He then placed it on his antique bedside table and turned out his lamp.
            “That’s it,” was Simon’s final reply. He calmly pulled the blanket up to cover himself and lay his head down on the pillow. Simon was sure of only one thing: he would be the only one getting any sleep that night.

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